Submit your old electrical materials!
Participating is easy: you can drop off your old switches, distribution panels, distributors, wiring, connectors, emergency lighting, switchgear, home automation technology, and PLCs at one of the many collection points spread across the Netherlands. Here, we gather the old electrical materials, and then (as much as possible using electric transport) they are transported to the social workshop.
If you’re an installer and regularly receive old electrical materials, there is also the option to set up your own collection bin in your workshop or warehouse. Here, you can directly collect the old materials. Once the bin is full, we’ll pick it up and immediately replace it with a new empty bin. For the Circolektra partnership, we ask for a small annual contribution to cover the costs.
Additionally, we can place a collection bin on-site during renovation projects, making the collection process very straightforward and highly efficient! It doesn’t matter which brand, type, or model you want to turn in – whether broken, incomplete, or still working.
Please note, however, that batteries and accumulators are not allowed in this collection bin due to safety regulations.
As a Circolektra Premium Partner, you enjoy numerous additional benefits. This includes the placement of collection bins at multiple locations, mention on this website with your logo and a link to your own website, the use of various marketing materials, event support, and access to online reporting. With CircoReport, you have 24/7 insight into your company’s contribution. Here, you can see how much material you have collected in quantities and kilograms, the amount being reused, the reduced CO2 emissions, and the social hours (SROI) created. For the premium partnership, we request an annual contribution.
Please note that batteries and accumulators are not allowed in this collection bin due to safety regulations.